A Brief History of
The Library Cat
Part 1
The Library Cat officially launched in January of 2024. But, its seeds were sown much earlier…almost seven years earlier actually. So, what’s the history of the Library Cat?
How and where did it start?
Everything began when I was a doctoral student at Florida State University studying Ethnomusicology, a field that focuses on the relationship between music and culture. I know what you’re thinking…what’s the connection between library literacy, information accessibility, and ethnomusicology? Why are you so concerned about libraries if you don’t have a background in library studies? If you want the full(er-ish) story, I wrote a post about it for this site, where I talk about it in detail. You can read about it here.
In short, I was dissatisfied with conversations on academic and public engagement, and the results of those conversations.
I grew uneasy as I sat in seminar rooms that were kept under lock and key, listening to tenured professors laud the importance of publishing our work in academic journals (which weren’t particularly accessible to the public), while promoting public engagement. The conversations and what I was seeing and experiencing weren’t congruent.
I wanted to see more. I wanted to do more.
Heading home
After I finished my doctoral coursework, I moved back to Ohio from Florida and began working at a perennial nursery. I was burnt out from the doctoral program. My mind needed a break from academia and my dissertation. The physicality of the nursery provided a welcome respite.
But as time passed, I realized I wouldn’t finish my dissertation nor would I complete my doctorate. My heart was no longer in either. What I had anticipated to be a short break turned into years. I dove into the nursery with newfound energy and passion.
At first, my days were filled with entry-level tasks, like collecting garbage, landscaping, and packing orders for our online customers. But as time moved on, I found myself learning more, taking on greater responsibilities, and quickly becoming indispensable.
By the time I left, I oversaw the largest department at the company and wore so many hats that I felt like I was becoming a hydra. But I never forgot those conversations from Florida. The drive to educate and engage with the public still lived deep within me. After seven years, I found myself yearning for a new direction.
The Cat is born
I began exploring different ways to satisfy my curiosity in the summer of 2022. How could I return to education but on my terms? How could I fulfill my desire to research, write, and share information in ways that weren’t met at the nursery or college? What form would it take? Would it be about music? What if I went down a path I’d never been before? Where would it take me? How could I make it accessible to everyone?
After years of percolating in my mind, the ideas finally came together. It moved from scraps of paper to whiteboards to word documents and eventually to what you see now. It’s been a wild ride. And one that I feel is still only in its infancy.
So, I made the bold (questionable?) choice to quit my job in November 2023 and devote my full attention to the Library Cat. I realized I couldn’t fully commit myself to what I truly wanted to do if I was dividing my energy. I made the leap. It’s terrifying to make a move like that but I truly believe in what this site has to offer to you.
I’m excited to share what I’ve learned and what I’ve discovered with you, knowing that each post, link, thought, picture, and article will open a universe of possibilities for you to explore.
Thank you for joining me on my journey.